Cost Savings

Save the planet, save some money - or even a lot of money

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Research has shown that radiant heating is about 25% more energy efficient than forced air. But with Warmboard, that percentage is even higher due to greater control and lower water temperatures.

See all the benefits of radiant heat.

How much does Warmboard cost?

How to Save Money and Extend the Lifespan of your Heating Equipment

Just as your car gets better gas mileage when your engine isn’t working as hard, or your phone keeps a longer battery life when not processing as much data, heating equipment, like boilers and water heaters, run more efficiently at lower temperatures, amplifying the savings. And when these appliances run at lower temperatures, their lifespan is extended, ensuring your investment lasts longer.

Warmboard: The Radiant Heat Solution for Eco-Friendly Homes

Today, more and more people are choosing alternative, eco-friendly heat sources such as geothermal and solar. These systems are limited however, unable to produce water above 120ºF without additional hardware. Since Warmboard is regularly using water below this threshold, interfacing is ideal. Learn more about how Warmboard uses low water temperatures with high conductivity materials to be more energy efficient.

Other systems will require additional hardware to heat the water into the 140-180ºF range.

For architects and builders looking for the ultimate in energy-efficiency, Warmboard does not disappoint. Warmboard radiant heat has been used in numerous Net Zero homes throughout the country. And with the potential to earn up to 15 LEED points, Warmboard can be an excellent tool towards achieving LEED Gold or Platinum. Warmboard radiant panels have also been used in numerous Solar Decathlon projects, several earning top marks.

Our Energy-Efficient Products

Create the optimal radiant heating system for your needs with the help of our design team. Submit your floor plans below to get a price estimation for your project.

Warmboard Comfort System

With everything necessary to heat the home, WCS is a modern approach which is also easier to manage and install.


Our award-winning panels bring a host of benefits to every home, whether building a new home (Warmboard-S) or remodeling (Warmboard-R).

Ready to get started?

To get a cost estimation for your custom project, please provide us with your construction plans. Our in-house project managers will guide your through the design and cost estimation process.

Submit your floor plans

warmboard floor plans