Warmboard Reviews
Testimonials from our Satisfied Clients

“I don't have any engineering or plumbing schooling. I just go one step at a time and not be overwhelmed with all the information, it would go perfect. At the end of the day it all falls right into place. I can't say enough how well this system has been designed and just thought through it's just incredible! How well it's thought through that somebody with an 8th grade education like myself can put this together and it is a very high tech system. Also, the customer service is excellent, it’s a very big part of my satisfaction with Warmboard”
Watch the full video interview.
Matthew K.
Homeowner / Builder, Michigan

"I've heard about Warmboard over the years through the industry, talking with my fellow plumbers and hydronics people and whatnot. I’d never used the Warmboard Comfort System as we did over on this project, but after utilizing this entire package that you guys provide, I’ve come to realize how much of a high quality offering it is. And while I wouldn’t say it’s simple, WCS definitely reduces the complexity of a hydronic system installation.
The customer relationship with Warmboard far exceeded anything with any other company I’ve ever worked with. The Warmboard team is highly responsive and gets back with you right away. They answer the phones, which is huge nowadays. I find that a simple phone call is always better, and the Warmboard team is great. Quite honestly, I have never experienced a better support team or a customer service team. That’s really true and I’m not even joking."
Read the full interview
Benny C.
Plumber, Colorado

“When we first saw the Warmboard-S panels, it was a little scary to us. It was an unfamiliar product that we have never worked with before so this is our first time utilizing this Warmboard structural subfloor product. We watched a bunch of videos, read as many tutorials and scratched our heads and just wondered how on Earth are we going to do this project, (…) how everything would function and work out but we've been able to adapt really easily. The process of installing is very similar to regular subfloor sheathing. We were concerned about the aluminum shielding and nailing through and it's gone real smooth. There hasn't really been any issues with the product itself or the install. It’s gone really well.”
Watch the full video interview.
Dave C.
General Contractor, Washington

“I have to say, I love Warmboard! During the process you were quick with responses whenever a question came up which was very helpful. I don’t feel hot and cold spots or even notice it. It just feel comfortable! I love the feeling and it’s exactly what I wanted and was expecting.”
Carol V.
Homeowner, British Columbia

"I did the majority of the installation work myself, however I did have a couple of individuals with some experience working on construction projects. They were impressed with how easily the Warmboard-R went down, as well as how heavy and sound the Warmboard-S panels were. Everyone that either helped with the installation process or witnessed it was quite impressed with the ease of it all.
Most remarkable though, is the follow-up from the company. Warmboard has been in touch with me many times over the course of the project. Right from the beginning when I first sent the query in, through the completion of the project, down to an email a few days ago asking for feedback and input. The company looks after you every step of the way."
Michael D.
Homeowner/Electrician, Saskatchewan

"Since we were building through the winter months and wanted to take advantage of the heat beneath us, we had the heating system up and running early on in the building process. It was during that time that we learned something very interesting. We found out we only needed about 104ºF water temperatures to heat the flooring completely in 7-9 minutes. In that short amount of time we could tell things were cranking along. And within about 15 minutes, the system was putting out incredible amounts of heat. Now, keep in mind that this was a completely open house during the winter. Snow and strong winds blowing through that site. But that heat was so warm and toasty, the crew never really noticed how cold it truly was. Very impressive indeed!"
Mike S.
Homeowner, North Carolina
"…Without question though, the one facet of our Warmboard experience that stood out most was when your salesperson offered to lend me a router to finish the installation. It was definitely above the call of duty and I really appreciated it. From one craftsman to another, he had clearly done quite a few projects himself and I was in the middle of working on many portions of the renovation myself, so it was really helpful to see that you guys would go the extra mile to make it happen."
Ben M.
Homeowner/Architect, California
"We have vast experience with Warmboard previously and found it to perform exceptionally well in terms of evenness of heat and flexibility of zones. However, given the projects' more than ample size (plus 10,800 sq. ft.) Monetti Custom Homes was in contact with the Warmboard tech department long before ground was broken. Several different layouts were produced with unlimited phone and email support as well as some value engineering that was required. Warmboard's support and responsiveness through this process was impeccable. The radiant tubing rough-in was less than 2 days for a small team of plumbers.
A multitude of flooring types were used, including random width, reclaimed custom milled white oak; which was installed directly over Warmboard using mechanical fasteners and adhesive. The comfort in the home during the cold season is unparalleled and one has no sense of any temperature differential while wandering through its' some 10,000 plus square feet of wonder."
Robert M.
Builder, New Jersey
The most important feature with Warmboard for me was how easily it installed and how the conductive layer of aluminum is contained within the floor sheathing itself. All other radiant systems are usually embedded with poured concrete or hung under the floor from the floor joists. The Warmboard system just makes sense to me. The second [the architect] showed me the sample I knew it was the product I wanted.
Joe K.
Developer, Alaska
“I really like Warmboard because of the ease of installation - it really is simple to install. I also like that it works great with multiple flooring products and this is a big plus to me. It is very easy to incorporate Warmboard into custom homes because most times clients haven’t locked in finished floors, but I know with Warmboard whatever they ultimately decide on will work seamlessly.”
Jim D.
Builder, Oregon
“[We were] impressed with the efficiency of the Warmboard [panels] as well as the accuracy of the original quote which kept the project in budget. In the end, there were 13 different heating zones. Both the architects and the contractors touted Warmboard's radiant responsiveness, perfect for the Montana climate.”
Tony H.
Architect, Montana
“I am replying to you from my geothermally-heated home in rural Quebec. The entire house has radiant floor heating and I could not be more pleased with [my decision to use] Warmboard. The majority of the house has ceramic flooring but engineered hardwood covers the floors in the bedrooms and the dining room. Following the excellent advice your company provided, no problems occurred during the installation of either type of floor-covering.
The house is best described as cozy - everywhere. From basement to upper floor, gentle heat keeps us comfortable even when it is bitterly cold outside. There are no overheated areas nor are there draughty spots.
When the kitchen cabinets were installed, and the plumbing was fitted in the bathrooms, your piping diagrams showing the exact location of each pipe, allowing the builders to drill the floors with confidence that a disaster was not about to happen.
There are twelve thermostats in the house which regulate the temperature so well. The system is quite sophisticated but with the engineering expertise we received with the Warmboard package it was installed with few glitches and no major headaches.
I would like […] to thank you, for the support we received during the building of this house. We are delighted to live in a Warmboard house. Thank you.”
Stan M.
Homeowner, Ontario